What is difference between Click Funnels and Sales Funnels (Click Funnels vs Sales Funnels)

ClickFunnels and sales funnels are two phrases that are frequently used in the world of online marketing, and they are often used interchangeably. But they are not same, there is huge difference among them. In this article, we will discuss the difference between ClickFunnels and sales funnels.

What is a Sales Funnel?

Before we dive into the differences, let’s first define what a sales funnel is. A sales funnel is a marketing concept that refers to the process of turning leads into customers. It is a series of steps that potential customers go through to become paying customers. Sales Funnel’s goal is to guide potential customers throughout buying process and eventually convert them to customers.

A typical sales funnel consists of four stages: awareness, interest, decision, and action. These stages represent the different steps that potential customers go through from being unaware about the company/product to customer.

What is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, is a software platform that helps businesses create and manage sales funnels. It is a user friendly tool which allows to create landing pages, sales pages, and even complete sales funnels with just few clicks.

ClickFunnels was created by Russell Brunson, an online entrepreneur who wanted to make it easier for businesses to create and manage sales funnels. The software is user-friendly, so businesses with little or no technical expertise can easily use it to create effective sales funnels.

ClickFunnels vs. Sales Funnels

The main difference between ClickFunnels & Sales funnels is ClickFunnels is a software which helps businesses to create sales funnels, while sales funnels refer to actual process of turning leads into customers.

ClickFunnels is essentially a tool that businesses can use to implement their sales funnel strategy. It provides user friendly interface which makes it easy to create landing pages, sales pages, order forms & upsell pages. ClickFunnels also provides a variety of templates and pre-built sales funnel designs to choose from, making it easy to get started quickly.

In addition to its funnel-building capabilities, ClickFunnels also includes features such as A/B testing, email marketing, and payment processing which makes it easier for businesses to manage their entire sales process.

Sales funnels is actually the process of turning leads into customers. A sales funnel consists of four stages: awareness, interest, decision, and action. Each stage is designed to move potential customers closer to making a purchase.

The awareness stage is where potential customers become aware of your product or service. In interest stage, potential customers start to engage with your brand and learn more about your product or service. It can be through your Website Design, Blog Posts or Email Marketing etc.

In decision stage potential customers decide whether or not to purchase your product or service. The most crucial component of your sales funnel is this one, since it must be streamlined to make it simple for prospective consumers to choose what to buy. The action stage is where potential customers actually make a purchase and become paying customers.

The effectiveness of a sales funnel ultimately rests on the strategy behind it, even though ClickFunnels is a software platform that may assist organizations in creating and managing their sales funnels. A poorly designed sales funnel, even if it is created with ClickFunnels, will not be effective in converting leads into customers.


In conclusion, ClickFunnels and sales funnels are not the same thing. ClickFunnels is a software platform that businesses can use to create and manage their sales funnels, while sales funnels refer to the actual process of turning leads into customers.

A well-designed sales funnel that effectively moves potential customers through each stage of the buying process is key to converting leads into paying customers.



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