8 Most Important yet Simple Steps to Follow for Magento to Shopify Migration in 2023

Do you know that a substantial portion of business owners are switching their online stores from Magento to Shopify?

The main cause is that support for Magento 1 has ended. As a result, switching to Magento 2 is expensive.

Due to its superbly user-friendly design and adaptable capabilities, Shopify is a great choice if you currently operate an online store on Magento.

Moving your online store, however, can be laborious because it is similar to moving from one residence to another. Because it will contain important information, you must move from Magento to Shopify with extreme caution.

You can still carry out a seamless conversion from Magento to Shopify.

There isn’t a ton of migration tactics listed in this article. As a conclusion, we’ll take you step by step through a change from Magento to Shopify. You will find the migration procedure to be easier as a result, which will aid in the success of your eCommerce firm.

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Why is a Shopify Store migration required?

Research claims that Shopify powers more than 3 million online stores. If you’re a business owner looking for a reputable eCommerce platform, Shopify might be your best choice.

You can better understand why you should switch your eCommerce store to Shopify by reading the reasons listed below.

  • Simple to use

Looking for a user-friendly yet functional internet store? Shopify is the solution. It is not important to have in-depth technical knowledge to use this platform. The rear end is uncomplicated and tidy. Everything is simple to understand, including customizing menus and visual marketing. Once you begin using Shopify applications, you’ll discover that they are efficient and capable of meeting your needs.

  • Improved SEO rankings

How users can locate your store is greatly influenced by SEO. You will be able to draw more traffic to your eCommerce site the higher your website ranks in SERPs. Increased conversions and sales result from this.

Shopify provides numerous built-in SEO capabilities to optimize your online store in light of this. Shopify allows you to:

  • Improve the Product Pages & Site Structure on Shopify
  • Rank higher by improving the user experience with content marketing.
  • Establish Links to Your Shop
  • Utilize the Top Shopify SEO Tools and Apps

When you convert to Shopify, the URLs of your products will change, but this won’t affect your SEO rankings.

It will be simpler to make page redirects, reduce on-page changes, monitor duplicate material, and maintain the performance of your page if you carefully prepare and move your site.

Moving may improve SEO rankings because it gives you the chance to use effective keywords, shorter URL strings, etc.

  • Multiple Payment Methods are Accepted

The quantity of payment methods an eCommerce site provides is the first thing a customer notices when shopping online. Therefore, it’s crucial to offer your consumers every payment method possible, other than cash on delivery.

However, manually configuring numerous payment gateways might be time-consuming.

Due to this, Shopify enables quick and easy setup of multiple payment channels. Additionally, it provides three gateway alternatives for you to select from, including major, international, and other payment gateways by country, depending on your particular business needs.

You can handle everything in real time since an intuitive dashboard offers you a complete picture of all the payments and makes it simple for you to use.

  • Organizer of Design and Development Themes

Shopify provides a selection of paid and free themes created by renowned designers. By picking a theme that fits your brand’s requirements, you can quickly create a responsive and appealing eCommerce site.

There are 105 paid and 11 free themes & templates available. With little to no coding, these templates and themes are simple to modify.

  • Access to effective sales tools

Sales tools and e-commerce systems work together seamlessly. Without one, you cannot continue. Your sales operations are improved with Shopify’s most recent version thanks to its powerful sales capabilities. It includes selling digital products, recovering from abandoned carts, selling through many channels, selling physical products, etc.

  • Simple Scalability

One of the biggest problems eCommerce stores have is managing large amounts of data and sales.

Therefore, it’s critical to pick a scalable and reliable infrastructure that will enable you to service more clients, perform intricate processes, and integrate systems.

The Shopify servers are built to process a huge number of transactions per minute. You can be confident that more customers and sales won’t have an impact on how well your store performs. Additionally, Shopify provides 3,200+ extensions to meet the performance, feature, and usability expectations of your customers. Simply, Shopify grows with your company as you get more clients and customers.

Important Information Before Migrating from Magento to Shopify

You should be aware of a few key features of the transfer procedure before starting the Magento to Shopify process. In essence, we are discussing which data may be directly migrated and which ones cannot.

Which information can be transferred from Magento to Shopify:

  • 1. Products
  • Name, comprehensive description, SKU, status, and producer.
  • Price as well as a discount.
  • URL, meta description, and meta title.
  • Weight, variations, volume, and stock management.
  • Product image and related pictures.
  • 2. Product groups:
  • Name, label, and status.
  • URL, meta description, and meta title
  • 3. Manufacturers
  • Name
  • 4. Clients:
  • Newsletter, customer group, and email.
  • Payment address
  • Delivery address
  • 5. Orders
  • Order products, order ID, order date, and order status.
  • Product cost and order size.
  • Name of the customer and billing address
  • Delivery address
  • 7. Reviews
  • Date of creation, evaluation, user name, comment, item, and title.
  1. CMS pages

All the pages like contact pages, about us pages, blogs, and other CMS pages fall under the category of static page content.

Steps for Migrating from Magento to Shopify

You should use a reliable approach if you want the relocation to go smoothly. To ensure a seamless migration lifetime, it is advised to get in touch with a Magento to Shopify migration partner. If you’re still seeking a trustworthy migration partner, Professionals of Kiwi Web Solutions can definitely assist you with integrations and adjustments before helping you choose the best migration strategy for your company.

We also offer top-notch Shopify development services, allowing you to adapt your store to your evolving commercial requirements.

Let’s first look at the procedures for switching from Magento to Shopify.

1. Create and configure your Shopify store

It’s not too hard to start a Shopify store! After a free three-day trial, Shopify will cost you $1 for the next three months. And that’s a decent enough opportunity to thoroughly examine and evaluate the platform.

However, setting everything up could take some time. But rest assured that we also have you covered there. For your convenience, we’ve created a detailed Shopify lesson. Depending on the size of your company and your needs, you can select a regular Shopify plan after your $1/month subscription expires. The Basic Shopify ($29/month) package ought to be adequate for small businesses.

2. Inform Your Client of the Migration

Inform your clients of the migration procedure, the anticipated downtime, and the completion date to make sure they are aware of what is happening.

During the downtime, you don’t want your consumers to assume anything or become anxious. It’s wise to keep customers informed about any big changes that might influence them in any way or the anticipated downtime.

You should email each subscriber to your newsletter who has done so. Being proactive in these situations not only helps you avoid client complaints but also increases consumer trust in your company.

If you sell in various nations, though, you might perform some site visit analysis to determine the typical period when your website has the fewest views.

3. Review of Magento store data

Important information is in your Magento store. Your consumer data might also be in it. The data storage audit must be done. It will help you build an inventory using all of the Magento data. It will contain the title and specifications of the product, passwords, customer names, etc. For a solid link between the target and the source stores, make sure to find the Magento shop access information.

4. Back up your Magento store.

Your data should not be lost during the conversion procedure under any conditions. Because of this, making a backup of your Magento store data is crucial. The steps are listed below.

Click system, then click the admin panel. Select a backup from the tools area at this time.

Look in the top-right corner. The backup type you want to generate can now be chosen.

Magento typically provides three backup options.

1. It creates a specific media folder and database backup in the database.

2. Database backup: To make a straightforward database backup

3. Backup of the complete file system and database is possible with the system. The media folder can also be included in this backup.

5. Choose a theme and install programs.

You can select a Shopify theme based on your demands. You can change it later to suit the requirements of your store. To customize any theme, let the migration process run its course. By doing this, you’ll be able to reduce future dangers.

You can now install the applications based on your needs. For instance, you can install the product reviews application if your store has customer ratings of the products.

6. Sync Data between Magento and Shopify

We may import Magento data into the Shopify store now that the data is prepared. Two strategies exist for doing this:

1. Use a CSV file to import data from Magento to Shopify

2. Import your data using the Shopify application.

CSV import of Magento data into Shopify

To bulk-upload products to Shopify, you can upload a CSV file. When retailers want to modify their products in mass, this functionality can be useful.

When the data is prepared in a CSV file, select it by clicking the Add file button in the Import products by CSV section.

The option to “Overwrite any existing products with the same handle.” Existing values will be used for any blank columns, which mostly applies to Shopify stores that already have some produced or live products. Since you’re adding the CSV file to a brand-new store, it’s possible that it doesn’t yet include any products. Therefore, you can omit this information..

After adding the file, select the Upload option to move further. Your data will soon be imported.

Import Magento data to Shopify via a third-party app:

An alternative is to use third-party software to import Magento data into Shopify. You can look at these apps for Magento to Shopify migration:

  • Matrixify
  • Multichannel Migrator
  • Magento Migration App
  • LitExtension Store Migration

7. from Your Magento Store, Export Data

Let’s export the information from your Magento store to your Shopify store now. To do this, just adhere to these easy steps:

  • To export data, select System > Data Transfer > Export in the Magento admin.
  • Enter the Entity Type (Products) after that, and choose CSV as the export file format.
  • Export your product data after that.

Two other categories are available in addition to products: Customer Main File and Customer Addresses.

To export the CSV files as needed, repeat the procedure for every entity type. When all entity types have been properly exported, you will have CSV files available for import into your Shopify store.

 8. Consider imported data

The imported data should always be checked again to make sure nothing is missing. If necessary, you can review the data and make the necessary updates. However, as you examine the imported data, you can run into a few problems.

1. Failure to import goods or clients It is possible that the import of customers and products would fail. If that’s the case, using the customer/products import option, you can accomplish it manually.

2. Products that have their product visibility set to “hidden” in Magento will display as unpublished in Shopify even though they were successfully imported. By altering the product availability setting in Shopify, you can resolve the issue.

3. Product variations that were not imported: You can manually add any missing variations, such as color, weight, and size.

4. Dimensions are missing; you can correct this by adding dimensions based on the product description.

5. Bundled products that cannot be imported properly can be fixed by manually adding these products. A product bundling app from the Shopify store is an alternative.

Migration checklist from Magento to Shopify

To help you have a smooth migration process, we’ve created this Magento to Shopify migration checklist. Look at this.

Before the migration

  • Check the viability of all the features you wanted and used in Magento in Shopify.
  • Utilize the first few days of the trial period to get accustomed to Shopify.

When the Migration occurred:

  • Setup Basic Administrative Preferences
  • Data import to Shopify for stores
  • Store Products
  • Great Website Design
  • Create a domain and start shipping
  • Establish Taxes
  • Establish a payment processor
  • Transaction process
  • Pages with information and policies
  • Unauthorized websites and Services Integration
  • Domain, URL, and metadata for SEO
  • Content on social media and integration
  • Business regulations for data and reporting
  • Proactive customer service and customer communication

After the Migration

  • Verify the details of the delivery and payment gateways.
  • Check 301 redirects
  • Invite current clients.
  • Check all of your emails, and your store’s changes, and place a test order.

Post-Migration Procedures from Magento To Shopify

You must carefully consider the post-migration steps after a successful migration. here it is

1. Review the store’s data

You cannot afford to lose crucial client data during the relocation process since data drives business. To maintain control, make sure you are verifying the data twice.

2. Set the look and feel of your store.

It’s time for the original makeover after the data check is finished. A new theme needs to be installed for your Shopify store. Use the page builder to redesign the same. You can use a variety of both free and premium themes in your business. Finally, you can order a theme that is specially created for your requirements. In addition, theme settings allow you to change the colors.

3. Organize shipping

As soon as you are satisfied with the overall appearance of your store, establish delivery charges. Once a customer completes the checkout process, shipping rates are added.

4. Include payment options

Prepare your shop to take payment for orders. For your consumers, you may add simple payment options. They are prepared to pay for the orders as a result.

5. Install critical apps.

Your Shopify store will gain new features and functionality by installing new applications. It will enhance your Shopify store’s user experience while assisting in the development of better administration. The Shopify app store offers a wide variety of programs.

6. Execute sandbox testing

Before launching your Shopify store, don’t forget to test it. Make sure you are looking at every product from every angle. Verify the products’ backend configuration as well. It is referred to as the rigorous testing step, which makes sure that clients won’t experience any problems.

7. Change the domain

Your Shopify store is now ready to launch. You must link the old domain to your new Shopify store to keep the SEO advantages. Unlock the domain first before transferring it.

Once your domain has been unlocked, sign into the Shopify admin area. Next, select Settings > Domain. Click the domain transfer button to continue. Type in the previous domain name and make the registration payment.

8. Invite current clients

You must provide an invitation to your current clients following a successful migration. They can reset their passwords with its assistance. From the admin interface, you can also send emails for manual account activation.

 9. Measure your store’s performance.

When you’re finished distributing it and inviting your current clients, the general public can now access it. Measure overall performance because it has a big impact on how well a website performs. Once the migration procedure is complete, make sure you do a performance test.

You should be able to work comfortably with the new Shopify platform if you follow these post-migration instructions. However, one must exercise sufficient caution when performing migration stages because an extended period of downtime can cost you business hours.

Therefore, qualified professionals may be very helpful with any Magento shop development, Shopify development, or Magento to Shopify migration. Your business procedures won’t be significantly hampered if you hire qualified coders for the job.


Several variables contribute to Shopify’s enormous popularity as one of the greatest eCommerce systems in the world.

Shopify’s strong ecosystem, which consists of merchants, Shopify Partners and Experts, app developers, and theme developers, is one of the platform’s key benefits.

You won’t regret switching from Magento to Shopify, I can assure you of that.

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Is the Magento design compatible with Shopify?

While moving a Magento store to Shopify is simple, doing the same for the Magento design is not possible. You may need to start from scratch or choose a related theme.

What aspects of the migration from Magento to Shopify should you pay attention to?

The following factors need to be taken into consideration when switching from Magento to Shopify:

1. Choosing the appropriate Shopify plan for your company’s needs

2. Search engine optimization (SEO) maintenance

3. Ensuring error-free completion of the entire migration

4. Ensuring that your clients are not harmed and are informed as necessary

Do my current SEO rankings change if I switch from Magento to Shopify?

You can convert from Magento to Shopify with little to no damage to your current SEO rankings, thus the answer is yes. However, you’ll need a capable crew to do that.



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